viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

The Tree of Friends. Jorge Luis Borges.

The Tree of Friends. Jorge Luis Borges.

There are persons in our lives that make us happy by the simple chance of crossing our path.
Some of them walk by our side, seeing many moons go by, but there are others that we only see between step and step. We call them all friends, and there are many kinds. Let´s pretend that each leaf of a tree is one of our friends.

Time goes by, summer is gone, and autumn is coming, we lose some of our leaves, some grow the next summer and others stay with us during many seasons. But what really makes us happy, is that the fallen ones are still close to us, feeding our roots with joy. Memories of the wonderful times when they crossed our path.

I wish you, leaf of my tree, peace, love, health, luck and prosperity. Today and always… Just because every person that passes through our life is unique. Always leaves something from his own and takes something from us.

Some may take a lot, but we won´t find anyone that is not going to leave us something.

This is the biggest responsibility of our lives and the obvious proof that two souls never find each other by chance.
PD: I hope I can leave something to every single student, something that can make them remember this English Teacher.